About This Game What is love?By the creators of Close Your Eyes. A classic love story. A stubborn woman named Gwen is off to save her girlfriend, Flora, from a strange depressed phantom know as ArKun. Now Gwen must go rescue Flora and reunite with her one true love. You can do it, admirable player, most certainly. After all, this is just a game.It's all just a game.This game includes the following to some degree:Voice ActingOriginal ArtworkOriginal MusicOriginal SpriteworkDefault RPG Maker AssetsLove 1075eedd30 Title: Take the Dream IXGenre: Adventure, Free to Play, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Yai GameworksPublisher:Yai GameworksRelease Date: 1 Apr, 2016 Take The Dream IX Key Serial Number take the dream ix coffin. take the dream ix. take the dream ix walkthrough Take the dream IX is a 2D horror game made with RPG Maker.You play as the girl "gwen" thats about to go to a festival where she met here true love 1 year ago at the same festival. (She is lesbian so its a girl yes). The girl she is in love with is called Flora. At the start you search for Flora in your home town but can't find her. Then you go to a cliff with a beatifull view where you see here looking at the view. You get in a conversation with her. Eventually she wants to ask you something and it goes like this. "Gwen this may be a silly question but i want you to answer it seriously". Gwen is like "Sure". Then she starts with "I....i... was wondering etc. But then out of no where a random ghost/ghoul comes and takes Flora. Your journey continues where you will find many obstacles and challenges you need to pass to save flora (and mind♥♥♥♥s ;3).-Take a very good look at the story line because if you look back it all fits togheter beatifull-I kinda hate horror games and I didn't know that this was one, so troughout playing i got some pretty hard jumpscares. Be warned :D. I love deep story's like this one i only had the feeling sometimes things weren't really serious and that kinda ♥♥♥♥ed up the deep storyline feeling. I was kinda surprised with the end tough because you didn't expect it and the game breaks the 4th wall a lot of times which gives enormous mind♥♥♥♥s.Overall its a really nice game for FREE! I hope to see a game like this but then bigger coming soon to steam with less spook stuff and a good storyline like this one ^-^. I played this in conjunction with the first game in the universe, Close Your Eyes. There are some after, including Red Haze, and the incoming Hollow Bliss and Close Your Eyes: Intermission. The games are either free or cheap, leaving not a lot to keep your from getting involved in the universe.You need to give this game time to warm up to,as it starts with a rather basic rpg plot, a knight going off to saved a kidnapped princess, with the twist that the couple are lesbians. Not a whole oot of draw. But give it enough time, and you'll see the whole point to it. It becomes a commentary of reality vs fiction and the creative process for a writer. Interesting - worth the play.. Fun and creepy game to play. Wondering if choices effect the outcome of the game so will be doing another playthrough. XDThe story kept me guessing and creepied me out, It was confusing but in a good way that you wanted to figure out where the next jump was going to take you.. This is more of a survival horror game than a actual RPG game. It was made with RPG Maker sure. But you only fight one battle in the entire game and only level up once. The game leaves a lot of questions unanswered and the ending is kind of lack luster too.That said for what it was it was a decent game. I really wanted a happy ending, didn't get that. I wanted to be able to go on an epic quest. That didn't happen either.The game in it's entirety is only about 2 hours long.I can't either recommend or not recommend because everyone has different tastes.. the concept of jumping around within ones mind (i'm assuming only played first few min) is original however the puzzles are a bit touph i couldn't get past the ghost in the cabin in first few min of the game witch took all the fun out of it . best of luck but this game isn't for me i need a game i can actually win. It's really hard to explain everything I love about this game without spoiling it, but long story short, it's AMAZING. It was ridiculously weird at times and the setting was all messed up but so perfectly that it all fits together, and in multiple ways. I love how open the ending is to various interpretations. While, at times, the game seemed ridiculous and unbelievable, everything fell together so well, I actually love those parts now (despite my having been annoyed while playing them). 10/10, definitely recommend!. Certainly an interesting game. Challenging at times, and certainly surprised me when the main character was a female and was together with another female. It added more charm to the game, seeing as how you don't see many games like these! I thoroughly enjoyed it, well worth the time it took to play it!
Take The Dream IX Key Serial Number