About This Game AR-K is a classical point and click adventure with an updated twist. IMPORTANT:This pack includes episodes 1 and 2 of AR-KAR-K: Gone With The SphereAR-K: The Girl Who Wasn't ThereEpisode 3 is now available on Steam!AR-K: The Great EscapeAlicia Van Volish is a former cop and current journalism student who wakes up after a one-night stand with a terrible hangover and a lot of questions: How much did she drink? Did she really take that guy home with her? What was his name? And what, exactly, is the Golden Sphere, the mysterious object that seems the source of all Alicia’s woes? b4d347fde0 Title: AR-KGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:GATO STUDIOPublisher:GATO STUDIORelease Date: 21 Jul, 2014 AR-K Download For Pc [Keygen] I've played through chapters 1 and 2 twice each, and grew up playing old Sierra Adventure games. If I could, I'd give this game a rating of "meh." It just doesn't really click. Here are 10 issues I had with it:First, it doesn't really have any kind of tutorial. You're left trying to figure out how to use the interface. Which could use some tweaking. Specifically, the way the inventory works. Getting in and out of the inventory is simple enough, but trying to drag an item out to use in the scene is annoying. Many... many... times I've got the object off the screen, shaking my mouse around, trying to get the inventory to dissappear so I can use the item. The interface was improved slightly for Chapter\/Game 2, but it still left me wanting.Second: When you click to move the character across the screen, all your controlls are locked up. You cannot do *anything* until she stops moving. No changing direction, or bringing up inventory, or even the menu. Not to mention the character is so slow to move about. Some games let you adjust the movement speed, or double-click on an exit to just jump there. Third: The game is incredibly short. There's even an achievement for beating the first chapter under 10 minutes. Fourth: In the second chaper\/game, the devlopers introduced a narator in order to add a bit more color to the game and offer some support to the gamer. Neither really worked out. The narator rarely was funny, nor did he offer any help. Despite claiming I could drop objects on him for hints. Only a few and very specific items could be used in this manner. A poorly implimented feature.Fifht: The developers claim this game contains humor. I didn't see any. Anywhere. Not a single joke.Sixth: Scene exits are not clearly marked. In several scenes I was left randomly clicking about trying to find the exit.Seventh: Character Development. I'm gonna assume this game was made by guys. Especially development of the female characters. It just screamed of guys writing for women who think they know how a woman behaves. For example, her language. I feel like they were trying to make her "edgy" and down-to-earth. And she just comes across as empty.Eight: Voice Acting. Empty. Dead. Phoned in. No emotion.Nineth: Background Story. Where are we? Are we on a planet? A space station? What are we doing there? Where did these aliens come from? You've created this world, but you don't tell us anything about it.Finally: The plot is confusing and difficult to follow. The story jumps, leaving my wondering what I missed. Example, in chapter 2, after launching the table out the window, when you return to the University, you can hear someone screaming in the background and the lead character (I can't even remember her name. Even with 4 play throughs.) commenting on how he must have flown here. WHO? Who flew there? There are other points in the game as well, where you're left wondering what you missed.Overall, I can't really recommend this game. Clunky controls, poor character and background development, and a jumpy storyline. If you pick it up for a buck or two, maybe. Just remember, you'll probably beat the entire thing in an hour.. I bought these 2 chapters on sale. It was less than a dollar so I can't complain that I got what I paid for for chapter one at least. Chapter 1 feels like it was a broken game. The How To menu was kinda broken and there also this fetch quest that initially asks for 4 items but when you ask the npc again, he ony describes 3 to you so I forgot completely about the fourth. Also, some items have descriptions, some items just have names, and some don't have any at all other than an image in your inventory. Chapter 2 starts out with an introduction of a new character that directly says its function to clear up the confusion of the first. This chapter breaks a lot of the fourth wall and I guess that's appealing, but I would much rather they go back and fix what was wrong with the previous chapter rather than make this one about mocking their old mistakes. Chapter 2 wasn't bad. It functions the way a point-and-click should with concistent interface and the right amount of hints. The only reason why I don't recommend this is because chapter 1 was bad. I see other reviews comment on the story, but I say the story is okay. If you don't mind struggling through a bad beginning to get to good part, be my guest.. This has the potential to be a fun game, but one thing makes it horrible: You cannot skip dialogue. So you are forced to sit and listen to the same dialogue over and over. If the developers added a way to skip hearing things you've already heard, this would be much more tolerable. But I can't stand playing it.. I bought these 2 chapters on sale. It was less than a dollar so I can't complain that I got what I paid for for chapter one at least. Chapter 1 feels like it was a broken game. The How To menu was kinda broken and there also this fetch quest that initially asks for 4 items but when you ask the npc again, he ony describes 3 to you so I forgot completely about the fourth. Also, some items have descriptions, some items just have names, and some don't have any at all other than an image in your inventory. Chapter 2 starts out with an introduction of a new character that directly says its function to clear up the confusion of the first. This chapter breaks a lot of the fourth wall and I guess that's appealing, but I would much rather they go back and fix what was wrong with the previous chapter rather than make this one about mocking their old mistakes. Chapter 2 wasn't bad. It functions the way a point-and-click should with concistent interface and the right amount of hints. The only reason why I don't recommend this is because chapter 1 was bad. I see other reviews comment on the story, but I say the story is okay. If you don't mind struggling through a bad beginning to get to good part, be my guest.. The puzzles are awful and make almost no sense, I used a guide because I wanted to see the story but the story is also not good.The main character tries to come out as smug and clever but she is just a really horrible and irritating person.. I NOMINATED THIS GAME FOR:THE \u201cTHE MOST \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Y PROTAGONIST\u201d AWARDseriously the main character is just horrible and unlikeable i couldnt play 20mins without wanting to shoot herUpdateStill\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665
AR-K Download For Pc [Keygen]
Updated: Mar 29, 2020